drawPoint abstract method

void drawPoint({
  1. required Point<num> point,
  2. required double radius,
  3. Color? fill,
  4. Color? stroke,
  5. double? strokeWidthPx,
  6. BlendMode? blendMode,

Renders a simple point.

point The x, y coordinates of the point.

radius The radius of the point.

fill Fill color for the point.

stroke and strokeWidthPx configure the color and thickness of the outer edge of the point. Both must be provided together for a line to appear.

blendMode Blend mode to be used when drawing this point on canvas.


void drawPoint({
  required Point point,
  required double radius,
  Color? fill,
  Color? stroke,
  double? strokeWidthPx,
  BlendMode? blendMode,