drawLine abstract method

void drawLine({
  1. required List<Point<num>> points,
  2. Rectangle<num>? clipBounds,
  3. Color? fill,
  4. Color? stroke,
  5. bool? roundEndCaps,
  6. double? strokeWidthPx,
  7. List<int>? dashPattern,

Renders a simple line.

dashPattern controls the pattern of dashes and gaps in a line. It is a list of lengths of alternating dashes and gaps. The rendering is similar to stroke-dasharray in SVG path elements. An odd number of values in the pattern will be repeated to derive an even number of values. "1,2,3" is equivalent to "1,2,3,1,2,3."


void drawLine({
  required List<Point> points,
  Rectangle<num>? clipBounds,
  Color? fill,
  Color? stroke,
  bool? roundEndCaps,
  double? strokeWidthPx,
  List<int>? dashPattern,