BucketingNumericTickProviderSpec constructor

const BucketingNumericTickProviderSpec({
  1. bool? zeroBound,
  2. bool? dataIsInWholeNumbers,
  3. int? desiredTickCount,
  4. int? desiredMinTickCount,
  5. int? desiredMaxTickCount,

Creates a TickProviderSpec that generates ticks for a bucketing axis.

zeroBound automatically include zero in the data range. dataIsInWholeNumbers skip over ticks that would produce fractional ticks that don't make sense for the domain (ie: headcount). desiredTickCount the fixed number of ticks to try to make. Convenience that sets desiredMinTickCount and desiredMaxTickCount the same. Both min and max win out if they are set along with desiredTickCount. desiredMinTickCount automatically choose the best tick count to produce the 'nicest' ticks but make sure we have this many. desiredMaxTickCount automatically choose the best tick count to produce the 'nicest' ticks but make sure we don't have more than this many.


const BucketingNumericTickProviderSpec({
  bool? zeroBound,
  bool? dataIsInWholeNumbers,
}) : super(
        zeroBound: zeroBound ?? true,
        dataIsInWholeNumbers: dataIsInWholeNumbers ?? false,