format method
Formats a list of tick values.
List<String> format(
List<DateTime> tickValues,
Map<DateTime, String> cache, {
num? stepSize,
}) {
final tickLabels = <String>[];
if (tickValues.isEmpty) {
return tickLabels;
// Find the formatter that is the largest interval that has enough
// resolution to describe the difference between ticks. If no such formatter
// exists pick the highest res one.
var formatter = _timeFormatters[_timeFormatters.keys.first]!;
var formatterFound = false;
if (_timeFormatters.keys.first == ANY) {
formatterFound = true;
} else {
final minTimeBetweenTicks = stepSize?.toInt() ?? 0;
// TODO: Skip the formatter if the formatter's step size is
// smaller than the minimum step size of the data.
final keys = _timeFormatters.keys.iterator;
while (keys.moveNext() && !formatterFound) {
if (keys.current > minTimeBetweenTicks) {
formatterFound = true;
} else {
formatter = _timeFormatters[keys.current]!;
// Format the ticks.
final tickValuesIt = tickValues.iterator;
var tickValue = (tickValuesIt..moveNext()).current;
var prevTickValue = tickValue;
while (tickValuesIt.moveNext()) {
tickValue = tickValuesIt.current;
if (formatter.isTransition(tickValue, prevTickValue)) {
} else {
prevTickValue = tickValue;
return tickLabels;