drawCircleSector abstract method

void drawCircleSector(
  1. Point<num> center,
  2. double radius,
  3. double innerRadius,
  4. double startAngle,
  5. double endAngle, {
  6. Color? fill,
  7. Color? stroke,
  8. double? strokeWidthPx,

Renders a sector of a circle, with an optional hole in the center.

center The x, y coordinates of the circle's center. radius The radius of the circle. innerRadius Optional radius of a hole in the center of the circle that should not be filled in as part of the sector. startAngle The angle at which the arc starts, measured clockwise from the positive x axis and expressed in radians endAngle The angle at which the arc ends, measured clockwise from the positive x axis and expressed in radians. fill Fill color for the sector. stroke Stroke color of the arc and radius lines. strokeWidthPx Stroke width of the arc and radius lines.


void drawCircleSector(
  Point center,
  double radius,
  double innerRadius,
  double startAngle,
  double endAngle, {
  Color? fill,
  Color? stroke,
  double? strokeWidthPx,