Axis<D> class abstract


Axis({TickProvider<D>? tickProvider, TickFormatter<D>? tickFormatter, MutableScale<D>? scale})


autoViewport bool
Configures whether the viewport should be reset back to default values when the domain is reset.
getter/setter pair
axisOrientation ↔ AxisOrientation?
AxisOrientation for this axis.
getter/setter pair
componentBounds Rectangle<int>?
Bounding box for drawing this component.
no setter
context ChartContext?
getter/setter pair
drawAxisLine bool
no setter
forceDrawAxisLine bool?
If the axis line should always be drawn.
getter/setter pair
graphicsFactory GraphicsFactory?
getter/setter pair
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
hasTickCollision bool
If true, a collision has occurred between ticks on this axis.
getter/setter pair
hasValidBarChartRangeBandConfig bool
For bars to be renderer properly the RangeBandConfig must be set and type must not be RangeBandType.none.
no setter
isSeriesRenderer bool
Whether or not this component is a series renderer that draws series data.
no setter
isVertical bool
The axis is rendered vertically.
no setter
layoutConfig → LayoutViewConfig
Layout params for this component.
no setter
layoutPaintOrder int
Order for chart layout painting.
getter/setter pair
lockAxis bool
If true, do not allow axis to be modified.
getter/setter pair
mutableScale → MutableScale<D>?
no setter
range → ScaleOutputExtent?
Output range for this axis.
no setter
rangeBand double
Rangeband for this axis.
no setter
reverseOutputRange bool
If the output range should be reversed.
getter/setter pair
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
scale ↔ MutableScale<D>?
Scale of this axis.
getter/setter pair
stepSize double
Step size for this axis.
no setter
tickDrawStrategy ↔ TickDrawStrategy<D>?
TickDrawStrategy for this axis.
getter/setter pair
tickFormatter TickFormatter<D>?
TickFormatter for this axis.
getter/setter pair
tickProvider ↔ TickProvider<D>?
TickProvider for this axis.
getter/setter pair
viewportScalingFactor double
Returns the current viewport scale.
no setter
viewportTranslatePx double
Returns the current pixel viewport offset
no setter


addDomainValue(D domain) → void
compareDomainValueToViewport(D domain) int
Compare domain to the viewport.
getDomain(double location) → D
getLocation(D? domain) double?
Get location for the domain.
layout(Rectangle<int> componentBounds, Rectangle<int> drawAreaBounds) → void
Layout this component.
measure(int maxWidth, int maxHeight) → ViewMeasuredSizes
Measure and return the size of this component.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
paint(ChartCanvas canvas, double animationPercent) → void
Draw this component on the canvas.
resetDefaultConfiguration() → void
resetDomains() → void
setOutputRange(int start, int end) → void
setRangeBandConfig(RangeBandConfig rangeBandConfig) → void
setViewportSettings(double viewportScale, double viewportTranslatePx, {int? drawAreaWidth, int? drawAreaHeight}) → void
Configures the zoom and translate.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
updateTicks() → void
Request update ticks from tick provider and update the painted ticks.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.