NIMResultCode class
SDK 状态码
- hashCode → int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
- runtimeType → Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
Invocation invocation) → dynamic -
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
) → String -
A string representation of this object.
operator ==(
Object other) → bool -
The equality operator.
- accountBlocked → const int
- 帐号被禁用
- addrBlocked → const int
- 登录ip或mac被禁
- alreadyExist → const int
- 对象已经存在
- clearUnreadPartSuccess → const int
- 清空会话未读数部分成功
- connectionError → const int
- 网络连接出现问题
- dbException → const int
- 操作数据库失败
- deviceNotTrust → const int
- 设备不在信任设备表里
- fail → const int
- 操作失败
- forbidden → const int
- 应用被封禁
- frequently → const int
- 操作太过频繁
- inBlackList → const int
- 被接收方加入黑名单
- invalid → const int
- 已经失效
- ipNotAllowed → const int
- 内部帐户不允许在该地址登陆
- nonExist → const int
- 目标(对象或用户)不存在
- overdue → const int
- 超过期限
- packetError → const int
- 装包失败,内部错误
- paramError → const int
- 参数错误
- passwordError → const int
- 密码不正确
- rpInvalid → const int
- 红包功能不可用
- serverBusy → const int
- 服务器太忙
- success → const int
- 操作成功
- success_200 → const int
- teamAccountLimit → const int
- 已达到人数限制
- teamAlreadyIn → const int
- 用户已经在群里了
- teamApplySuccess → const int
- 申请成功
- teamErrorType → const int
- 群类型不对
- teamInaccessible → const int
- 没有权限
- teamInfoPartSuccess → const int
- 部分请求成功,同时会有失败列表
- teamInvitePartSuccess → const int
- 部分邀请成功,同时会有失败列表
- teamInviteSuccess → const int
- 邀请成功
- teamLimit → const int
- 群数量达到上限
- teamMemberNotExist → const int
- 用户不在群里面
- teamNotExist → const int
- 群不存在
- teamUserStatusError → const int
- 群成员状态不对
- timeout → const int
- 操作超时
- unknownError → const int
- 服务器内部错误
- unPacketError → const int
- 解包失败,内部错误
- versionExpired → const int
- 版本号太旧,需要升级