NikuText constructor
- String _text
Niku extension for Text
Style property builder for building Text
Example usage:
Meta property list:
- niku() - Switch to Niku() property
- build() - Apply styles and build Text as Widget
- apply() - Apply existing NikuText's property to current style
- style() - Apply existing NikuText's property to current style and build
Style Property list:
- color - Color of text
- bg, background - Background color of text
- fontSize - Set text size
- fontWeight - Font weight
- fontWeight - Set font weight of text
- bold - Set font to bold, equivalent to w700()
- w100 - Use font weight of 100
- w200 - Use font weight of 200
- w300 - Use font weight of 300
- w400 - Use font weight of 400
- w500 - Use font weight of 500
- w600 - Use font weight of 600
- w700 - Use font weight of 700
- w800 - Use font weight of 800
- w900 - Use font weight of 900
- fontWeight - The thickness of the glyphs used to draw the text
- fontStyle - Whether to slant the glyphs in the font
- fontStyle - Use FontStyle to apply
- italic - Use italic style
- letterSpacing - Spacing for each letter
- wordSpacing - Spacing for each word
- textBaseline, baseline - A horizontal line used for aligning text
- alphabetic - Using TextBaseline.alphabetic
- ideographic - Using TextBaseline.ideographic
- height - Fixed height for text
- forground - The paint drawn as a foreground for the text
- background - The paint drawn as a background for the text
- shadows - Collection of text's shadow
- fontFeatures - A feature tag and value that affect the selection of glyphs in a font
- textDecoration - Text decoration
- textDecorationColor - Text decoration's color
- textDecorationThickness - Thickness of decoration
- fontFamily - Apply font to text
- fontFamilyFallback - Fallback for font family
- textAlign, align - Set alignment of text
- alignLeft, left - Set alignment to left
- alignCenter, center - Set alignment to center
- alignRight, right - Set alignment to right
- alignStart, start - Set alignment to start, suitable for dynamic TextDirection
- alignEnd, end - Set alignment to end, suitable for dynamic TextDirection
- alignJustify, justify - Set alignment to justify
- textDirection - Set whether text is left-to-right or right-to-left direction.
- textDirection - Set textDirection by using TextDirection
- ltr - Use left-to-right direction
- rtl - Use right-to-left direction
- locale - Set locale languages of text
- softWrap - Whether the text should break at soft line breaks.
- overflow - How visual overflow should be handled
- textScaleFactor - The number of font pixels for each logical pixel
- maxLines - Max line for text
- semanticsLabel, label - Semantics label for text, good for screen reader
- textWidthBasis - Defines how to measure the width of the rendered text
- textHeightBehavior - Defines how the paragraph will apply TextStyle.height to the ascent of the first line and descent of the last line
- padding, p - Padding of container
- padding, p - apply padding to all side
- px - apply padding to x axis
- py - apply padding y axis
- pt - apply padding top side
- pl - apply padding left side
- pb - apply padding bottom side
- pl - apply padding right side