base method
Apply styles and build only base of OutlineButton as Widget
? By using this method, margin won't be applied
Equivalent to
Example usage:
build(context) {
return (
NikuOutlineButton(Text("Applied Style"))
.base() // Colelct all style and build
// ignore: deprecated_member_use
Widget base({Key? key}) => OutlineButton(
child: this.child,
key: key,
onPressed: this._onPressed,
onLongPress: this._onLongPressed,
padding: EdgeInsets.only(top: _pt, left: _pl, bottom: _pb, right: _pr),
color: this._color,
focusColor: this._focusColor,
hoverColor: this._hoverColor,
highlightColor: this._highlightColor,
splashColor: this._splashColor,
textColor: this._textColor,
borderSide: this._borderSide,
disabledBorderColor: this._disabledBorderColor,
highlightedBorderColor: this._highlightedBorderColor,
clipBehavior: this._clipBehavior,
autofocus: this._autofocus,
shape: this._shape,
textTheme: this._buttonTextTheme);