niceJson function

String niceJson(
  1. Map<String, dynamic> data, {
  2. String indent = ' ',
  3. int maxContentLength = 40,
  4. int maxLineLength = 80,
  5. List<String> alwaysExpandKeys = const [],
  6. int minDepth = 1,

Encodes data as nicely formatted human-readable JSON. indent is the indent character added to the start of each line. By default, this is a single space, but other good options are two spaces or a tab ('\t'). maxContentLength is the maximum length of a single entry. maxLineLength is the maximum length of a single line, including key and indent. Any keys in alwaysExpandKeys will have their values expanded, regardless of line length.


String niceJson(
  Map<String, dynamic> data, {
  String indent = ' ',
  int maxContentLength = 40,
  int maxLineLength = 80,
  List<String> alwaysExpandKeys = const [],
  int minDepth = 1,
}) {
  return encodeObject(
      indent: indent,
      maxContentLength: maxContentLength,
      maxLineLength: maxLineLength,
      alwaysExpandKeys: alwaysExpandKeys,
      minDepth: minDepth,