encodeMap function

String encodeMap(
  1. Map object,
  2. JsonOptions options

Encodes a map as JSON. This should probably be a Map<String, dynamic>, but this is not a constraint that is checked. Consider using niceJson() instead.


String encodeMap(Map object, JsonOptions options) {
  if (object.isEmpty) return '{}';
  List<String> encoded =
      object.entries.map((e) => encodeMapEntry(e, options)).toList();
  String simple = '{${encoded.join(', ')}}';
  if (simple.length < options.maxLength && options.allowCompression) {
    return simple;
  String indent = options.baseIndent;
  String str = '${options.indent}[';
  final opts = options.copyWith(
    depth: options.depth + 1,
    maxLineLength: options.maxLineLength - options.indent.length,
  String complex = object.entries
      .map((e) => encodeMapEntry(e, opts))
  str = '{\n$indent${options.indent}$complex\n$indent}';
  return str;