
Build simple yet beautiful carousels for your mobile apps


  • Carousel slides
  • Carousel indicators
  • Custom carousel content

Demo Image

Getting started

Add the following to pubspec.yaml:



First, import the following files

import 'package:nice_carousel/carousel_slide.dart';
import 'package:nice_carousel/carousel_slides.dart';

Then, create a list of CarouselSlide:

List<CarouselSlide> carouselSlides = [
    title: '80% off',
    description: 'Free\ndiscount'.toUpperCase(),
    imageAsset: 'assets/img/1.webp',
    title: '60% off',
    description: 'Buy\nonline now'.toUpperCase(),
    imageAsset: 'assets/img/2.webp',
    title: '50% off',
    description: 'Grab\ndeals now'.toUpperCase(),
    imageAsset: 'assets/img/3.webp',
    title: '20% off',
    description: 'Shop\nonline now'.toUpperCase(),
    imageAsset: 'assets/img/4.webp',

You'll come up with a list of nice carousel slides

Finally, pass the slides to an instance of CarouselSlides

CarouselSlides carouselSlides = CarouselSlides(
  indicatorPosition: SlideIndicatorPosition.right,
  slides: slides,
  height: 300,


CarouselSlide properties

Name Type Default Description
title String required if CarouselSlide default constructor is used Set the title of your carousel slide
description String required if CarouselSlide default constructor is used Set the description of your carousel slide
imageAsset String required if CarouselSlide default constructor is used Set the image of your carousel slide
networkAsset String required if constructor is used Set the network image path of your carousel slide
textStyle TextStyle null Set the text style of your carousel slide
body Widget required if CarouselSlide.custom constructor is used Set a custom body for your carousel

CarouselSlides properties

Name Type Default Description
slides List<CarouselSlide> required list of your carousel slides
height double required Set the height of your carousel slides
indicatorColor Color Colors.white Set the carousel's indicators colors
textStyle TextStyle null Set the text style of your carousel
indicatorPosition SlideIndicatorPosition SlideIndicatorPosition.right Set the position of the indicators
hideIndicator bool false Set whether the indicators is visible or not

SlideIndicatorPosition enum properties

  • SlideIndicatorPosition.left
  • SlideIndicatorPosition.right

Now enjoy!

Refer to example folder and the source code for more information.


More features coming soon 🔥


Ethiel ADIASSA - Twitter -