RouteDefinition.redirect constructor

  1. String? path,
  2. required String redirectTo,
  3. bool? useAsDefault,
  4. dynamic additionalData,
  5. RoutePath? routePath,

Configures a redirect from a path --> to another one.

new RouteDefinition.redirect(
  path: 'contact',
  redirectTo: 'about/contact',

At most one route may be set to useAsDefault, which means it will be automatically inferred to be in use if there are no matching routes for a given outlet.

If you want to redirect all unmatched routes using a regex path '.*', be aware this will override your default route. Instead, if you wish to have both a default route, and redirect all unmatched routes, be sure to use '.+' as your path.

  new RouteDefinition(path: 'home', useAsDefault: true, ...),
  new RouteDefinition.redirect(path: '.+', redirectTo: 'home'),


factory RouteDefinition.redirect({
  String? path,
  required String redirectTo,
  bool? useAsDefault,
  dynamic additionalData,
  RoutePath? routePath,
}) = RedirectRouteDefinition._;