clear method

  1. @override
Future<Null> clear({
  1. bool focusBefore = true,
  2. bool blurAfter = true,

Note: all elements below here should remain asynchronous to allow component tests to function properly. Clears the text of this element, if possible (e.g. for text fields).

focusBefore indicates whether to focus this element before clearing. blurAfter indicates whether to blur this element after clearing.


Future<Null> clear({bool focusBefore = true, bool blurAfter = true}) async {
  await syncFn(() async => _retryWhenStale(() async {
        final element = _single;
        if (_hasValueProperty(element)) {
          if (focusBefore) await focus();
          _setValue(element, '');
          await _microtask(() => element.dispatchEvent(TextEvent('input')));
          await _microtask(() => element.dispatchEvent(TextEvent('change')));
          if (blurAfter) await blur();
        } else {
          throw PageLoaderException(
              '${element.runtimeType} does not support clear.');