camelCase function

String camelCase(
  1. String s

Returns the camel-cased form of s.

This is a very simple function: it merely replaces usual delimiters (spaces, hyphens, underscores) and the following word-character, with the upper case form of the word-character. It doesn't change the case of any other letters.


  • "foo bar" => "FooBar"
  • "foo-bar" => "FooBar"
  • "foo_bar" => "FooBar"
  • "foo\bar" => "FooBar"
  • "foo" => "Foo"
  • "foo " => "Foo"
  • "foo-" => "Foo"
  • "_foo" => "Foo"
  • "" => ""
  • " " => " "
  • " -word" => " Word"
  • "1337" => "1337"
  • "foo3bar" => "Foo3bar"
  • "3bar" => "3bar" WRITE UNIT TEST!


String camelCase(String s) =>
    s.replaceAllMapped(_wordBreak, (m) => m[2]!.toUpperCase());