lerp static method

Color? lerp(
  1. Color? a,
  2. Color? b,
  3. num t

Linearly interpolates between two colors.

t is the fraction of interpolation from a to b; between 0 and 1.

If one color is null, a transparent instance of the other color is used.


static Color? lerp(Color? a, Color? b, num t) {
  if (a == null && b == null) return null;
  if (a == null && b != null) return b.withAlpha(_lerpNum(0, b.alpha, t));
  if (b == null && a != null) return a.withAlpha(_lerpNum(a.alpha, 0, t));
  return Color.rgba(
      _lerpNum(a!.red, b!.red, t).toInt(),
      _lerpNum(a.green, b.green, t).toInt(),
      _lerpNum(a.blue, b.blue, t).toInt(),
      _lerpNum(a.alpha, b.alpha, t));