trackLayoutChange<T> method

StreamSubscription<DomService> trackLayoutChange<T>(
  1. T fn(),
  2. void callback(
    1. T
    ), {
  3. int framesToStabilize = 1,
  4. bool runInAngularZone = false,

Tracks a layout change defined by fn, and calls the callback function with the last stable value.

If framesToStabilize is set, the callback will wait for the specified number of animation frames before it considers the value to be stable. If the value changes while waiting for stabilization, the animation frame count restarts. The recommended value depends on the use case:

  • visibility checks do not need animation frame stabilization,
  • size-tracking properties (e.g. widths on resize) may wait for 3+ frames before reacting on the new size.

The callback is assumed to do lightweight DOM updates only. If you want to trigger both model changes and async operations, you must set the runInAngularZone flag.

Returns a subscription that allows pausing, resuming and canceling the observer.


StreamSubscription<DomService> trackLayoutChange<T>(
    T Function() fn, void Function(T) callback,
    {int framesToStabilize = 1, bool runInAngularZone = false}) {
  // TODO(google): Move layout checking into ruler service when landed.
  var trackerCallback = callback;
  if (runInAngularZone) {
    trackerCallback = (T value) { => callback(value));
  var tracker = _ChangeTracker(this, fn, trackerCallback, framesToStabilize);
  return onLayoutChanged!.listen((_) => tracker._onLayoutObserve());