nextFrame property

Future<num>? get nextFrame

A future that completes with an animation frame.

Unlike the browser's animation frame, if there is one already scheduled, it reuses that one, avoiding creating multiple frames across components.


Future<num>? get nextFrame {
  if (_nextFrameFuture == null) {
    assert(_nextFrameCompleter == null);
    final completer = Completer<num>.sync();
    _nextFrameCompleter = completer;
    _ngZone.runOutsideAngular(() {
      // Delayed initialization of the cross-app event sending.
      // TODO(google): figure out a better way to initialize this earlier
      _nextFrameId = _window.requestAnimationFrame((highResTimer) {
        // Protect against window implementation that does not
        // cancel the frame.
        if (completer.isCompleted) return;
        if (completer == _nextFrameCompleter) {
          _nextFrameFuture = null;
          _nextFrameCompleter = null;
    _nextFrameFuture =
        ZonedFuture(completer.future, _ngZone.runOutsideAngular);
  return _nextFrameFuture;