init method

void init()

Initializes the DomService to send window events, in order to coordinate layout checks across apps on the same page.


void init() {
  if (_crossAppInitialized) return;
  _crossAppInitialized = true;
  _ngZone.runOutsideAngular(() {
    _ngZone.onEventDone.listen((_) {
      if (isDomMutatedPredicate == null || isDomMutatedPredicate!()) {
        // Sending an event to DomService in other apps on the same page.
        _inDispatchTurnDoneEvent = true;
        _inDispatchTurnDoneEvent = false;
        // If dom has been mutated by angular, mark [_writeQueueChangedLayout]
        // to true. So that [_scheduleOnLayoutChanged] will be called normally
        // when there is a request to change layout.
        if (isDomMutatedPredicate != null && isDomMutatedPredicate!()) {
          _writeQueueChangedLayout = true;
        if (resetIsDomMutated != null) {