insertComponent<T extends Object> method

Future<ComponentRef<T>> insertComponent<T extends Object>(
  1. ComponentFactory<T> componentFactory,
  2. ViewContainerRef viewContainer,
  3. HtmlElement intoDomElement, {
  4. Injector? injector,

Returns a future that completes with a new instance created by componentFactory, once it is inserted intoDomElement.


Future<ComponentRef<T>> insertComponent<T extends Object>(
    ComponentFactory<T> componentFactory,
    ViewContainerRef viewContainer,
    HtmlElement intoDomElement,
    {Injector? injector}) async {
  final ref = _componentLoader.loadNextToLocation<T>(
      componentFactory, viewContainer,
      injector: injector ?? viewContainer.parentInjector);
  await _domService.onWrite();
  return ref;