ActiveItemModel<T> constructor

  1. IdGenerator? idGenerator, {
  2. bool loop = false,
  3. bool activateFirstItemByDefault = true,
  4. List<T> items = const [],

Creates an instance from the initial list of items. If idGenerator is null, a default instance (SequentialIdGenerator) is created.

This is a convenience for components to create an ActiveItemModel as an IdGenerator is not always bound in DI. Note: While idGenerator can be null, components should always pass an injected instance of IdGenerator to ensure ActiveItemModel uses the IdGenerator provided by the app. If items is null, it is set to an empty list.

loop decides whether the active items loops from the end of the list to the beginning of the list, and vise versa. Default is false. Common a11y practice for select components, loop is set to false. Reference: Common a11y practice for menu components, loop is set to true. Reference:

activateOnListChange decides whether the first list item should activate whenever list items change. Default is true. If an item is active when the list changes and that item is in the new list, the item will remain active regardless of what this flag is set to. Auto-activating the first result may slightly speed up keyboard nav for users. It can also be detremental to a11y in others. For example, to avoid screen reader issues, multi-select comboboxes toggle list item selection via


ActiveItemModel(IdGenerator? idGenerator,
    {bool loop = false,
    this.activateFirstItemByDefault = true,
    List<T> items = const []})
    : _idGenerator = idGenerator ?? SequentialIdGenerator.fromUUID() {
  _loop = loop;
  _items = items;
  if (_items.isNotEmpty) _activeIndex = activateFirstItemByDefault ? 0 : -1;