MaterialYesNoButtonsComponent class

A component for the two buttons horizontally next to each other, like yes/no, save/cancel, agree/not agree, etc.

Text on the buttons can be changed, they can also be raised. The 'yes' button can be optionally highlighted.

Basic text customization can be provided with directives like MaterialSaveCancelButtonsDirective that replaces yes/no with save/cancel.

To display buttons in reversed order add a reverse attribute.

Implemented types
  • @Component(selector: 'material-yes-no-buttons', directives: [AutoFocusDirective, MaterialButtonComponent, MaterialSpinnerComponent, NgClass, NgIf], providers: [ExistingProvider(HasDisabled, MaterialYesNoButtonsComponent)], templateUrl: 'material_yes_no_buttons.html', styleUrls: ['material_yes_no_buttons.scss.css'], changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.onPush)


disabled bool
Whether the buttons should be disabled.
getter/setter pairoverride
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
no Stream<UIEvent>
The callback that is to be invoked, when no button is pressed.
no setter
noAriaDescribedBy String?
The description which will be set to no button's aria-describedby.
getter/setter pair
noAriaLabel String?
The text to be used as an ARIA label on the cancel button.
getter/setter pair
noAutoFocus bool
Whether the no button should be auto-focused.
getter/setter pair
noButton MaterialButtonComponent?
getter/setter pair
noDisabled bool
Whether the no button should be disabled.
getter/setter pair
noDisplayed bool
Whether the no button should be displayed.
getter/setter pair
noText String
The text to be shown on the cancel button.
getter/setter pair
pending bool
When pending is true, the yes and no buttons are hidden, and a spinner is shown.
getter/setter pair
raised bool
Whether the buttons should be raised.
getter/setter pair
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
yes Stream<UIEvent>
The callback that is to be invoked, when yes button is pressed.
no setter
yesAriaDescribedBy String?
The description which will be set to yes button's aria-describedby.
getter/setter pair
yesAriaLabel String?
The text to be used as an ARIA label on the save button.
getter/setter pair
yesAutoFocus bool
Whether the yes button should be auto-focused.
getter/setter pair
yesButton MaterialButtonComponent?
getter/setter pair
yesDisabled bool
Whether the yes button should be disabled.
getter/setter pair
yesDisplayed bool
Whether the yes button should be displayed.
getter/setter pair
yesHighlighted bool
Whether the yes button should be highlighted.
getter/setter pair
yesRaised bool
Whether the yes button should be raised.
getter/setter pair
yesText String
The text to be shown on the save button.
getter/setter pair


noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
onNo(UIEvent event) → void
onYes(UIEvent event) → void
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.