MaterialStepperComponent class

A material-design-styled stepper.

A stepper is a numbered indicator used to convey progress or function as a navigational tool.

Warning: content is reparented to the stepper component itself so any @ViewChild(ren) queries for content inside of a step or summary template will not work in the original component.

  • @Component(selector: 'material-stepper', directives: [ButtonDirective, MaterialIconComponent, MaterialYesNoButtonsComponent, NgFor, NgIf, PortalHostDirective, StickyElementDirective], templateUrl: 'material_stepper.html', styleUrls: ['material_stepper.scss.css'], preserveWhitespace: true, visibility: Visibility.all)




activeStep StepDirective?
Get the step directive that is currently active. The stepper will only have 1 step active at a time.
no setter
activeStepChanged Stream<StepDirective?>
Event that fires when the active step has changed.
no setter
activeStepIndex int
getter/setter pair
announceCurrentStep bool
When true, assertively announces the current step via aria live region.
getter/setter pair
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
keepInactiveStepsInDom bool
When true, steps will not be unloaded from the dom when inactive, but will rather be hidden via css.
getter/setter pair
legalJumps String
Jumps (defined as step-switches not triggered by the Continue/Cancel buttons) that are legal.
no getter
noText String
Text to be displayed on the button that goes back to the former step. By default, displays "Cancel".
getter/setter pair
orientation String
Orientation in which the steps are laid out.
getter/setter pair
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
shouldInlineContent bool
For some stepper configurations, it is more natural if the step content is laid out in a separate content
no setter
size String
Size theme which in turn determines sizes of various step header elements (e.g., the step number, step name, etc.).
getter/setter pair
stepAriaAnnounce String
no setter
stepperDone bool
getter/setter pair
stepperNativeElement HtmlElement?
Get the native element for the stepper (not the stepper content).
getter/setter pair
steps List<StepDirective>
getter/setter pair
stepsQuery List<StepDirective>
no getter
Indicates whether the header, which lists the available steps, should stick to the top of the page.
getter/setter pair
yesText String
Text to be displayed on the button that goes to the next step. By default, displays "Continue".
getter/setter pair


jumpStep(int index) Future<bool>
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
stepAriaLabel(StepDirective step) String
stepBackward(Event event, StepDirective? step) → void
stepForward(Event event, StepDirective? step) → void
stopPropagationOfEnterAndSpace(KeyboardEvent keyboardEvent) → void
Because of the button decorator enclosing the inline portal eats up SPACE and ENTER key-presses (by preventing the default on them), we are stopping those events from bubbling up.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.

Static Properties

continueMsg String
optionalMsg String


defaultOrientation → const String
defaultSize → const String
hostClass → const String