MaterialSelectItemComponent<T> class

Material Select Item is a special kind of list item which can be selected.

For accessibility, should be contained in an element with role="listbox" and aria-multiselectable set appropriately, unless role is set to something other than "option".

Implemented types
  • @Component(selector: 'material-select-item', providers: [ExistingProvider(SelectionItem, MaterialSelectItemComponent), ExistingProvider(HasDisabled, MaterialSelectItemComponent), ExistingProvider(HasRenderer, MaterialSelectItemComponent)], styleUrls: ['material_select_item.scss.css'], directives: [MaterialCheckboxComponent, MaterialIconComponent, NgIf, DynamicComponent], templateUrl: 'material_select_item.html', changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.onPush)


MaterialSelectItemComponent(HtmlElement element, @Optional() DropdownHandle? _dropdown, @Optional() ActivationHandler? _activationHandler, ChangeDetectorRef _cdRef, @Attribute('role') String? role, {bool addTabIndexWhenNonTabbable = false})


ariaRole String?
no setterinherited
closeOnActivate bool
Whether to cause dropdown to be closed on activation.
getter/setter pair
componentFactory → ComponentFactory<Object>?
no setter
deselectOnActivate bool
If true and selectOnActivate is true, triggering this item component will deselect the currently selected value within the selection; if false, triggering this component when value is selected will do nothing.
no getter
disabled bool
Is the component disabled.
getter/setter pairoverride
disabledStr String
String value to be passed to aria-disabled.
no setterinherited
element HtmlElement
factoryRenderer FactoryRenderer<RendersValue, T>?
Returns a ComponentFactory for dynamic component loader to use to render an item.
getter/setter pairoverride
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
hideCheckbox bool
Whether to hide the checkbox.
getter/setter pair
hostTabIndex String?
no setterinherited
isAriaChecked bool
no setter
isAriaCheckedStr String
no setter
isHidden bool
Whether the item should be hidden.
getter/setter pair
isSelected bool
Whether this item should be marked as selected.
no setter
itemRenderer ItemRenderer<T>?
A function to render an item as a String.
getter/setter pairoverride
role String?
Role of this component used for a11y.
getter/setter pairinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
selected bool
Manually mark items selected.
getter/setter pair
selection SelectionModel<T>
The selection model this item is a member of.
getter/setter pairoverride
selectOnActivate bool
If true, triggering this item component will select the value within the selection; if false, triggering this item component will do nothing.
no getter
supportsMultiSelect bool
Whether the container supports selecting multiple items.
no setter
tabbable bool
Is the component tabbable.
getter/setter pairinherited
tabIndex String?
no setterinherited
tabindex String?
The tab index of the component.
no getterinherited
trigger Stream<UIEvent>
Fired when the button is activated via click, tap, or key press.
no setterinherited
useCheckMarks bool
If true, check marks are used instead of checkboxes to indicate whether or not the item is selected for multi-select items.
getter/setter pair
value ↔ T?
The value this selection item represents.
getter/setter pairoverride
valueHasLabel bool
no setter
valueLabel String?
no setter


dispose() → void
Disposes this disposable and any resources it has open.
focus() → void
Item/component focuses itself
handleActivate(UIEvent e) → void
handleClick(MouseEvent mouseEvent) → void
Triggers if not disabled.
handleKeyPress(KeyboardEvent keyboardEvent) → void
Triggers on enter and space if not disabled.
ngOnDestroy() → void
Executed before the directive is removed from the DOM and destroyed.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
onLoadCustomComponent(ComponentRef ref) → void
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
updateTabIndex() → void
Use this method if you want to manually compute and cache the tab index.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.


hostClass → const String