factoryRenderer property

FactoryRenderer<RendersValue, T>? get factoryRenderer

Specifies the componentRenderer to use to determine the component for rendering an item. Specifies the factoryRenderer to use to determine the factory for rendering an item.


//    'Use factoryRenderer instead it provides more tree-shakeable code')
//ComponentRenderer? componentRenderer;

/// Specifies the factoryRenderer to use to determine the factory for
/// rendering an item.
FactoryRenderer<RendersValue, T>? factoryRenderer;
  1. @Input()
  2. @override
set factoryRenderer (FactoryRenderer<RendersValue, T>? value)

Function that returns a component factory to render the Item.

The resulting component must implement RendersValue.


set factoryRenderer(FactoryRenderer<RendersValue, T>? value) {
  super.factoryRenderer = value;