maxDate property

Date? get maxDate


Date? get maxDate => _maxDate;
  1. @Input()
set maxDate (Date? newDate)

Dates later than maxDate cannot be clicked on or scrolled to.

The calendar will display the entire month containing this date, but days after maxDate will be disabled (greyed out). Note that disabled dates can still be selected programmatically, e.g. if the parent component specifies presets which extend past minDate/maxDate. Defaults to December 31, ten years in the future. Set this to the latest date which makes sense in your domain context. e.g. For apps which analyse historical data, this could be the current day.


set maxDate(Date? newDate) {
  if (newDate == _maxDate) return;
  _maxDate = newDate;
  _maxMonth = _Month.fromDate(_maxDate!);
  _isResetNeeded = true;