measureSize method

Stream<Rectangle<num>> measureSize(
  1. HtmlElement pane, {
  2. bool track = false,
  3. bool sync = false,

An implementation of the typedef interface AsyncMeasureSize.

Returns a stream of size and position information on pane. If track is true, then listens for likely DOM reflows via DomService and dirty checks for updates, only firing an event on the stream if either the size or position has changed since the last event.

If sync is true, then the size/position information is read synchronously and not part of the read/write queue. This helps performance but should only be used on elements that will not effect layout much such as overlays/popups.


Stream<Rectangle> measureSize(HtmlElement pane,
    {bool track = false, bool sync = false}) {
  if (track) {
    return _domRuler.track(pane);
  } else {
    // TODO(google): It should be an actual stream that is updated whenever
    // the portal is changed, right?
    if (!sync) {
      return _domRuler.measure(pane).asStream();
    return Stream.fromIterable([_domRuler.measureSync(pane)]);