createDiTokenExpression function
o.Expression createDiTokenExpression(CompileTokenMetadata token) {
if (token.identifierIsInstance) {
return o.importExpr(token.identifier!).instantiate(
// If there is also a value, assume it is the first argument.
// i.e. const OpaqueToken('literalValue')
token.value != null ? [o.literal(token.value)] : const <o.Expression>[],
type: o.importType(token.identifier, [], [o.TypeModifier.Const]),
// Add any generic types attached to the type.
// Only a value of `null` precisely means "no generic types", not [].
genericTypes: token.identifier!.typeArguments.isNotEmpty
? token.identifier!.typeArguments
: null);
} else if (token.value != null) {
return o.literal(token.value);
} else {
return o.importExpr(token.identifier!);