promoteToClassMember method

void promoteToClassMember()

If accessed outside of build(), makes a variable into a class field.


void promoteToClassMember() {
  if (_visibility == NodeReferenceVisibility.classPublic) {
  final initialValue = _initialValue;
  final hasInitialValue = initialValue != null && initialValue != o.NULL_EXPR;
  _visibility = NodeReferenceVisibility.classPublic;
    outputType: _type,
    // All of our NodeReferences are shallowly immutable, that is, they are
    // initialized lazily, but the instance does not change after that. If
    // we have an initialValue (for example "Text('')"), it is effectively
    // final.
    modifiers: hasInitialValue
        ? const [o.StmtModifier.Final]
        : const [o.StmtModifier.Late, o.StmtModifier.Final],
    initializer: initialValue,