BuildError.fromMultiple constructor

  1. Iterable<BuildError> errors, [
  2. String header = 'Multiple errors occurred'

Collapse multiple errors into a single error.

This constructor is suitable when collecting lazy errors from another part of the compilation process (such as parsing HTML or CSS) to turn into a single but immediate error:

void example(ExternalParser parser) {
  final errors = parser.getErrors();
  if (errors.isNotEmpty) {
    // Impossible to continue
    throw BuildError.fromMultiple(errors, 'Errors occured parsing');

When defining a custom header, it should not end with :.


factory BuildError.fromMultiple(
  Iterable<BuildError> errors, [
  String header = 'Multiple errors occurred',
]) =>
    _MultipleBuildError(errors.toList(), header);