propfind method

Future<WebDavMultistatus> propfind(
  1. PathUri path, {
  2. WebDavPropWithoutValues? prop,
  3. WebDavDepth? depth,

Retrieves the prop for the resource at path.

depth can be used to limit scope of the returned resources.



Future<WebDavMultistatus> propfind(
  PathUri path, {
  WebDavPropWithoutValues? prop,
  WebDavDepth? depth,
}) async {
  final request = propfind_Request(
    prop: prop,
    depth: depth,

  final streamedResponse = await httpClient.send(request);
  final response = await http.Response.fromStream(streamedResponse);
  if (streamedResponse.statusCode != 207) {
    throw DynamiteStatusCodeException(response);

  return const WebDavResponseConverter().convert(response);