usePersonalAddress method

Try to use the address set in user personal settings as weather location.

Returns a Future containing a DynamiteResponse with the status code, deserialized body and headers. Throws a DynamiteApiException if the API call does not return an expected status code.


  • oCSAPIRequest Required to be true for the API request to pass. Defaults to true.

Status codes:

  • 200: Address updated



Future<_i1.DynamiteResponse<WeatherStatusUsePersonalAddressResponseApplicationJson, void>> usePersonalAddress({
  bool? oCSAPIRequest,
}) async {
  final _request = $usePersonalAddress_Request(
    oCSAPIRequest: oCSAPIRequest,
  final _response = await _rootClient.httpClient.send(_request);

  final _serializer = $usePersonalAddress_Serializer();
  final _rawResponse =
      await _i1.ResponseConverter<WeatherStatusUsePersonalAddressResponseApplicationJson, void>(_serializer)
  return _i1.DynamiteResponse.fromRawResponse(_rawResponse);