$setVisibility_Request method

  1. @experimental
Request $setVisibility_Request({
  1. required String paramId,
  2. required String visibility,
  3. required String targetUserId,
  4. bool? oCSAPIRequest,

Update the visibility of a parameter.

This endpoint requires password confirmation.

Returns a DynamiteRequest backing the setVisibility operation. Throws a DynamiteApiException if the API call does not return an expected status code.


  • paramId ID of the parameter.
  • visibility New visibility.
  • targetUserId ID of the user.
  • oCSAPIRequest Required to be true for the API request to pass. Defaults to true.

Status codes:

  • 200: Visibility updated successfully
  • 400: Updating visibility is not possible
  • 403: Not allowed to edit other users visibility
  • 404: Account not found



_i3.Request $setVisibility_Request({
  required String paramId,
  required String visibility,
  required String targetUserId,
  bool? oCSAPIRequest,
}) {
  final _parameters = <String, Object?>{};
  final $paramId = _$jsonSerializers.serialize(paramId, specifiedType: const FullType(String));
  _parameters['paramId'] = $paramId;

  final $visibility = _$jsonSerializers.serialize(visibility, specifiedType: const FullType(String));
  _parameters['visibility'] = $visibility;

  final $targetUserId = _$jsonSerializers.serialize(targetUserId, specifiedType: const FullType(String));
  _parameters['targetUserId'] = $targetUserId;

  final _path = _i5.UriTemplate('/ocs/v2.php/profile/{targetUserId}{?paramId*,visibility*}').expand(_parameters);
  final _uri = Uri.parse('${_rootClient.baseURL}$_path');
  final _request = _i3.Request('put', _uri);
  _request.headers['Accept'] = 'application/json';
// coverage:ignore-start
  final authentication = _rootClient.authentications?.firstWhereOrNull(
    (auth) => switch (auth) {
      _i1.DynamiteHttpBearerAuthentication() || _i1.DynamiteHttpBasicAuthentication() => true,
      _ => false,

  if (authentication != null) {
  } else {
    throw Exception('Missing authentication for bearer_auth or basic_auth');

// coverage:ignore-end
  var $oCSAPIRequest = _$jsonSerializers.serialize(oCSAPIRequest, specifiedType: const FullType(bool));
  $oCSAPIRequest ??= true;
  _request.headers['OCS-APIRequest'] = const _i4.HeaderEncoder().convert($oCSAPIRequest);

  return _request;