proppatch_Request method

Request proppatch_Request(
  1. PathUri path, {
  2. WebDavProp? set,
  3. WebDavPropWithoutValues? remove,

Returns a request to update the props of the resource at path.

The props in set will be added/updated. The props in remove will be removed.



http.Request proppatch_Request(
  PathUri path, {
  WebDavProp? set,
  WebDavPropWithoutValues? remove,
}) {
  final request = http.Request('PROPPATCH', _constructUri(path))
    ..body = WebDavPropertyupdate(
      set: set != null ? WebDavSet(prop: set) : null,
      remove: remove != null ? WebDavRemove(prop: remove) : null,
    ).toXmlElement(namespaces: namespaces).toXmlString();

  return request;