$getPreviewByFileId_Request method
- @experimental
- int? fileId,
- int? x,
- int? y,
- PreviewGetPreviewByFileIdA? a,
- PreviewGetPreviewByFileIdForceIcon? forceIcon,
- PreviewGetPreviewByFileIdMode? mode,
- PreviewGetPreviewByFileIdMimeFallback? mimeFallback,
Get a preview by file ID.
Returns a DynamiteRequest
backing the getPreviewByFileId operation.
Throws a DynamiteApiException
if the API call does not return an expected status code.
ID of the file. Defaults to-1
Width of the preview. A width of -1 will use the original image width. Defaults to32
Height of the preview. A height of -1 will use the original image height. Defaults to32
Preserve the aspect ratio. Defaults to0
Force returning an icon. Defaults to1
How to crop the image. Defaults to"fill"
Whether to fallback to the mime icon if no preview is available. Defaults to0
Status codes:
- 200: Preview returned
- 400: Getting preview is not possible
- 403: Getting preview is not allowed
- 404: Preview not found
- 303: Redirect to the mime icon url if mimeFallback is true
- getPreviewByFileId for a method executing this request and parsing the response.
- $getPreviewByFileId_Serializer for a converter to parse the
from an executed this request.
_i3.Request $getPreviewByFileId_Request({
int? fileId,
int? x,
int? y,
PreviewGetPreviewByFileIdA? a,
PreviewGetPreviewByFileIdForceIcon? forceIcon,
PreviewGetPreviewByFileIdMode? mode,
PreviewGetPreviewByFileIdMimeFallback? mimeFallback,
}) {
final _parameters = <String, Object?>{};
var __fileId = _$jsonSerializers.serialize(fileId, specifiedType: const FullType(int));
__fileId ??= -1;
_parameters['fileId'] = __fileId;
var __x = _$jsonSerializers.serialize(x, specifiedType: const FullType(int));
__x ??= 32;
_parameters['x'] = __x;
var __y = _$jsonSerializers.serialize(y, specifiedType: const FullType(int));
__y ??= 32;
_parameters['y'] = __y;
var __a = _$jsonSerializers.serialize(a, specifiedType: const FullType(PreviewGetPreviewByFileIdA));
__a ??= 0;
_parameters['a'] = __a;
var __forceIcon =
_$jsonSerializers.serialize(forceIcon, specifiedType: const FullType(PreviewGetPreviewByFileIdForceIcon));
__forceIcon ??= 1;
_parameters['forceIcon'] = __forceIcon;
var __mode = _$jsonSerializers.serialize(mode, specifiedType: const FullType(PreviewGetPreviewByFileIdMode));
__mode ??= 'fill';
_parameters['mode'] = __mode;
var __mimeFallback =
_$jsonSerializers.serialize(mimeFallback, specifiedType: const FullType(PreviewGetPreviewByFileIdMimeFallback));
__mimeFallback ??= 0;
_parameters['mimeFallback'] = __mimeFallback;
final _path = _i6.UriTemplate('/index.php/core/preview{?fileId*,x*,y*,a*,forceIcon*,mode*,mimeFallback*}')
final _uri = Uri.parse('${_rootClient.baseURL}$_path');
final _request = _i3.Request('get', _uri);
_request.headers['Accept'] = '*/*';
// coverage:ignore-start
final authentication = _i4.IterableExtension(_rootClient.authentications)?.firstWhereOrNull(
(auth) => switch (auth) {
_i1.DynamiteHttpBearerAuthentication() || _i1.DynamiteHttpBasicAuthentication() => true,
_ => false,
if (authentication != null) {
} else {
throw Exception('Missing authentication for bearer_auth or basic_auth');
// coverage:ignore-end
return _request;