putFile method

Future<StreamedResponse> putFile(
  1. File file,
  2. FileStat fileStat,
  3. PathUri path, {
  4. DateTime? lastModified,
  5. DateTime? created,
  6. void onProgress(
    1. double progress

Puts a new file at path with file as content.

lastModified sets the date when the file was last modified on the server. created sets the date when the file was created on the server. onProgress can be used to watch the upload progress. Possible values range from 0.0 to 1.0. See:


Future<http.StreamedResponse> putFile(
  File file,
  FileStat fileStat,
  PathUri path, {
  DateTime? lastModified,
  DateTime? created,
  void Function(double progress)? onProgress,
}) {
  final request = putFile_Request(
    lastModified: lastModified,
    created: created,
    onProgress: onProgress,

  return csrfClient.send(request);