propfind_Request method

BaseRequest propfind_Request(
  1. PathUri path, {
  2. WebDavPropWithoutValues? prop,
  3. WebDavDepth? depth,

Request to retrieve the props for the resource at path.


  • propfind for a complete operation executing this request.


http.BaseRequest propfind_Request(
  PathUri path, {
  WebDavPropWithoutValues? prop,
  WebDavDepth? depth,
}) {
  final request = http.Request('PROPFIND', _constructUri(path))
    ..encoding = utf8
    ..body = WebDavPropfind(prop: prop ?? const WebDavPropWithoutValues())
        .toXmlElement(namespaces: namespaces)

  if (depth != null) {
    request.headers['Depth'] = depth.value;

  return request;