$search_Request method
- @experimental
Launch a search for a specific search provider.
Additional filters are available for each provider. Send a request to /providers endpoint to list providers with their available filters.
Returns a DynamiteRequest
backing the search operation.
Throws a DynamiteApiException
if the API call does not return an expected status code.
Term to search. Defaults to""
Order of entries.limit
Maximum amount of entries.cursor
Offset for searching.from
The current user URL. Defaults to""
ID of the provider.oCSAPIRequest
Required to be true for the API request to pass. Defaults totrue
Status codes:
- 200: Search entries returned
- 400: Searching is not possible
- search for a method executing this request and parsing the response.
- $search_Serializer for a converter to parse the
from an executed this request.
_i3.Request $search_Request({
required String providerId,
String? term,
int? sortOrder,
int? limit,
UnifiedSearchSearchCursor? cursor,
String? from,
bool? oCSAPIRequest,
}) {
final _parameters = <String, Object?>{};
final $providerId = _$jsonSerializers.serialize(providerId, specifiedType: const FullType(String));
_parameters['providerId'] = $providerId;
var $term = _$jsonSerializers.serialize(term, specifiedType: const FullType(String));
$term ??= '';
_parameters['term'] = $term;
final $sortOrder = _$jsonSerializers.serialize(sortOrder, specifiedType: const FullType(int));
_parameters['sortOrder'] = $sortOrder;
final $limit = _$jsonSerializers.serialize(limit, specifiedType: const FullType(int));
_parameters['limit'] = $limit;
final $cursor = _$jsonSerializers.serialize(cursor, specifiedType: const FullType(UnifiedSearchSearchCursor));
_parameters['cursor'] = $cursor;
var $from = _$jsonSerializers.serialize(from, specifiedType: const FullType(String));
$from ??= '';
_parameters['from'] = $from;
final _path =
final _uri = Uri.parse('${_rootClient.baseURL}$_path');
final _request = _i3.Request('get', _uri);
_request.headers['Accept'] = 'application/json';
// coverage:ignore-start
final authentication = _rootClient.authentications?.firstWhereOrNull(
(auth) => switch (auth) {
_i1.DynamiteHttpBearerAuthentication() || _i1.DynamiteHttpBasicAuthentication() => true,
_ => false,
if (authentication != null) {
} else {
throw Exception('Missing authentication for bearer_auth or basic_auth');
// coverage:ignore-end
var $oCSAPIRequest = _$jsonSerializers.serialize(oCSAPIRequest, specifiedType: const FullType(bool));
$oCSAPIRequest ??= true;
_request.headers['OCS-APIRequest'] = const _i4.HeaderEncoder().convert($oCSAPIRequest);
return _request;