boxShadows static method

List<BoxShadow> boxShadows({
  1. required Color color,
  2. required int depth,
  3. Curvature curvature = Curvature.convex,
  4. Swell swell = Swell.emboss,
  5. double spread = defaultSpread,
  6. Alignment lightSource = defaultLightSource,
  7. double scale = 1.0,
  8. double offsetScalar = 1.0,

TODO: Write more details.

See BoxShadow.scale for the usage of double scale.

Use offsetScalar to make the effect less dramatic and scale the offsets for use as a textStyle for example.


static List<BoxShadow> boxShadows({
  required Color color,
  required int depth,
  Curvature curvature = Curvature.convex,
  Swell swell = Swell.emboss,
  double spread = defaultSpread,
  Alignment lightSource = defaultLightSource,
  double scale = 1.0,
  double offsetScalar = 1.0,
}) {
  final isSwollen = swell.isSwollen;
  final clampedSpread = spread.clamp(0, 999).toDouble();
  final scaledSpread = clampedSpread * offsetScalar;
  final lightOffset = isSwollen ? scaledSpread : -scaledSpread;
  final colors = == Degree.SUPER
      ? Curvature.superconvex.colorList(color, swell: swell, depth: depth)
      : Curvature.convex.colorList(color, swell: swell, depth: depth);

  final lightShadow = BoxShadow(
    color: colors[0],
    offset: Offset(lightSource.x * lightOffset, lightSource.y * lightOffset),
    // spreadRadius: (swell.scalar - 1), // super inflates by 1.5 - 1 = 0.5
    blurRadius: clampedSpread,

  /// [Shadow]s stack vertically in the Z-axis in the order in which they are
  /// listed in this iterable. That is, later [Shadow]s are painted on top of
  /// earlier ones without blending.
  return [
    if (!isSwollen) lightShadow,

    /// darkShadow:
      color: colors[2],
      offset: Offset(
          -(lightSource.x * lightOffset), -(lightSource.y * lightOffset)),
      // spreadRadius: (swell.scalar - 1), // super inflates by 1.5 - 1 = 0.5
      blurRadius: clampedSpread,

    if (isSwollen) lightShadow,