Network Tools

pub package Dart codecov

Network Tools Supported

  1. Host Scanner

    1. Search all devices on subnet
    2. Get mac address of devices on Linux, macOS and Windows.
    3. Search devices for a specific port open.
  2. Port Scanner

    1. Single Port scan
    2. Range
    3. Custom

Partly Work:

  1. Mdns Scanner

Network Tools Flutter package

Please check network_tools_flutter package for extensive support to features on different platforms.

Import package in your app

import 'package:network_tools/network_tools.dart';

Configure network tools in main function

For dart native

Future<void> main() async {
  await configureNetworkTools('build', enableDebugging: true);
  runApp(const MyApp());

For flutter apps

Future<void> main() async {
  // It's necessary to pass correct path to be able to use this library.
  final appDocDirectory = await getApplicationDocumentsDirectory();
  await configureNetworkTools(appDocDirectory.path, enableDebugging: true);
  runApp(const MyApp());


Host Scanner

 String address = '';
  // or You can also get address using network_info_plus package
  // final String? address = await (NetworkInfo().getWifiIP());
  final String subnet = address.substring(0, address.lastIndexOf('.'));
  final stream = HostScannerService.instance.getAllPingableDevices(subnet, firstHostId: 1, lastHostId: 50,
      progressCallback: (progress) {
    print('Progress for host discovery : $progress');

  stream.listen((host) {
    //Same host can be emitted multiple times
    //Use Set<ActiveHost> instead of List<ActiveHost>
    print('Found device: $host');
  }, onDone: () {
    print('Scan completed');
  }); // Don't forget to cancel the stream when not in use.

Port Scanner

  //1. Range
  String target = '';
  PortScannerService.instance.scanPortsForSingleDevice(target, startPort: 1, endPort: 1024,
      progressCallback: (progress) {
    print('Progress for port discovery : $progress');
  }).listen((ActiveHost event) {
    if (event.openPorts.isNotEmpty) {
      print('Found open ports : ${event.openPorts}');
  }, onDone: () {
    print('Scan completed');
  //2. Single
  bool isOpen = (await PortScanner.isOpen(target, 80)) == null;
  //3. Custom
  PortScanner.customDiscover(target, portList: const [22, 80, 139]);

Mdns Scanner

  for (final ActiveHost activeHost in await MdnsScannerService.instance.searchMdnsDevices()) {
    final MdnsInfo? mdnsInfo = await activeHost.mdnsInfo;
    Address: ${activeHost.address}
    Port: ${mdnsInfo!.mdnsPort}
    ServiceType: ${mdnsInfo.mdnsServiceType}
    MdnsName: ${mdnsInfo.getOnlyTheStartOfMdnsName()}

Run examples

  1. Run host scan : dart example/host_scan.dart
  2. Run port scan : dart example/port_scan.dart
  3. Run mdns scan : dart example/mdns_scan.dart

Sample App

Vernet is the open source app built on top of this library. You can check out the code and implementation for more detailed use case of this package.

Support and Donate

  1. Support this project by becoming stargazer of this project.

  2. Buy me a coffee.

  3. Support me on Ko-Fi


Inspired from ping_discover_network

