NELiveKit class abstract





audioOutputDevice ↔ NEAudioOutputDevice?
getter/setter pair
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
isInviter bool
is inviter in pk
no setter
isLoggedIn Future<bool>
is logged in
no setter
isPKing bool
include pking and punishing
no setter
liveDetail NELiveDetail?
live detail
no setter
mediaController NELiveMediaController
media controller to control audio video and devices
no setter
members List<NERoomMember>?
members in current live
no setter
nickname String?
getter/setter pair
pkId String?
current pk ID
no setter
pkStatus NELivePKStatus
current pk status
no setter
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
userUuid String?
current userUuid
no setter


acceptPK() Future<VoidResult>
accept pk invite
addEventCallback(NELiveCallback callback) → void
add listener callback callback
cancelPKInvite() Future<VoidResult>
cancel pk invite
fetchChatRoomMembers(NEChatroomMemberQueryType queryType, int limit) Future<NEResult<List>>
fetch chatroom members queryType queryType limit limit
fetchLiveInfo(int liveRecordId) Future<NEResult<NELiveDetail?>>
fetch live info liveRecordId live ID
fetchLiveList(int pageNum, int pageSize, NELiveStatus liveStatus, NELiveRoomType liveType) Future<NEResult<NELiveList?>>
fetch live list pageNum page number pageSize page size liveStatus live status liveType live type
fetchPKInfo(int liveRecordId) Future<NEResult<NELivePKDetail?>>
fetch pk info liveRecordId live ID
fetchRewardTopList(int liveRecordId, String pkId) Future<NEResult<NELivePKRewardTop?>>
fetch reward top list liveRecordId live ID pkId PK ID
initialize(NELiveKitOptions options) Future<VoidResult>
initialize SDK options initialize options
invitePK(String targetAccountId, NELivePKRule rule) Future<VoidResult>
invite anchor to PK targetAccountId peer userUuid rule pk rule
joinLive(NELiveDetail liveDetail) Future<NEResult<String?>>
audience join live liveDetail live info
leaveLive() Future<VoidResult>
leave live
login(String userUuid, String token) Future<VoidResult>
login account userUuid userUuid token token
logout() Future<VoidResult>
logout account
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
rejectPK() Future<VoidResult>
reject pk invite
removeEventCallback(NELiveCallback callback) → void
remove listener callback callback
reward(int giftId) Future<VoidResult>
reward anchor giftId gift ID
sendTextMessage(String message) Future<VoidResult>
send text message to chatroom message message content
startLive(String liveTopic, NELiveRoomType liveType, String cover) Future<NEResult<NELiveDetail?>>
start live liveTopic topic liveType type cover cover
stopLive() Future<VoidResult>
stop live
stopPK() Future<VoidResult>
stop pk
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.

Static Properties

instance → _NELiveKitImpl
LiveKit single instance
no setter