netCoreSyncSynchronize method

Future<SyncResult> netCoreSyncSynchronize({
  1. required String url,
  2. SyncEvent? syncEvent,
  3. SyncResultLogLevel syncResultLogLevel = SyncResultLogLevel.fullData,
  4. Map<String, dynamic> customInfo = const {},

Starts the synchronization process.

The url is the NETCoreSyncServer websocket url that is already setup to receive synchronization requests. The syncEvent is an instance of SyncEvent to monitor the synchronization progress. The syncResultLogLevel is a SyncResultLogLevel enum to determine the verbosity of the log results in the returned SyncResult. The customInfo is a custom information that can be passed on to the server-side for information that is not covered by this framework. The returned SyncResult carries errors information (if any) and detailed log results.

Please read the Client Side Synchronization in the netcoresync_moor documentation for more details.


Future<SyncResult> netCoreSyncSynchronize({
  required String url,
  SyncEvent? syncEvent,
  SyncResultLogLevel syncResultLogLevel = SyncResultLogLevel.fullData,
  Map<String, dynamic> customInfo = const {},
}) async {
  if (!netCoreSyncInitialized) throw NetCoreSyncNotInitializedException();
  if (dataAccess.syncIdInfo == null) {
    throw NetCoreSyncSyncIdInfoNotSetException();
  if (dataAccess.inTransaction()) {
    throw NetCoreSyncMustNotInsideTransactionException();

  SyncSession syncSession = SyncSession(
    dataAccess: dataAccess,
    url: url,
    syncEvent: syncEvent,
    syncResultLogLevel: syncResultLogLevel,
    customInfo: customInfo,

  return syncSession.synchronize();