NesSplitPanel constructor

const NesSplitPanel({
  1. Key? key,
  2. required List<Widget> children,
  3. Axis orientation = Axis.horizontal,
  4. double resizerSize = 16,
  5. List<double>? initialSizes,

A widget that splits the available space into multiple panes.

It can have either a vertical or horizontal orientation and the initial size of the panels can be specified in the initialSizes parameter.

If no initial sizes are specified, the panels will be equally sized and if a value for that attribute is specified, its length must match the length of its children.

initialSizes must be a list of doubles that represents the portion that a panel should use from the available space, and the sum of all the values must be equal to 1.


const NesSplitPanel({
  required this.children,
  this.orientation = Axis.horizontal,
  this.resizerSize = 16,
}) : assert(
        initialSizes == null || initialSizes.length == children.length,
        'The length of the initialSizes must match the length of the '