
pub package

A Flutter package for fetching and displaying rich link previews with customizable styling and behavior.


  • Automatic Metadata Extraction: Easily fetch title, description, images, and icons from URLs.
  • Built-in Preview Widget: NeploxLinkPreviewer provides a pre-styled link preview.
  • Customizable:
    • Control thumbnail positioning (NThumbnailPreviewDirection).
    • Style text and background colors.
    • Choose whether to launch URLs in-app or in an external browser (NURLLaunch, NURLLaunchIn).
  • Flexible Metadata Access: Use NeploxMetaDataFetcher to get metadata for your own custom UI implementations.
  • Caching: Improves performance by caching fetched metadata.
  • Extensible: Supports custom widget builders for full control over the preview layout.
  • Error Handling: Gracefully handles invalid URLs and network issues.


Add this to your package's pubspec.yaml file:

  neplox_linkpreviewer: ^1.0.6


1. Using the Built-in Preview Widget

  url: '[](',
  linkPreviewOptions: NLinkPreviewOptions(
    thumbnailPreviewDirection: NThumbnailPreviewDirection.bottom, 
    urlLaunch: NURLLaunch.enable,
    urlLaunchIn: NURLLaunchIn.browser,  // Or
  // Customize styles here (titleColor, subtitleColor, etc.)

2. Fetching Meta Data For Custom Widgets

final metaDataFetcher = NeploxMetaDataFetcher.instance;
final elementModel = await metaDataFetcher.fetchData('[](');

// Use elementModel.title, elementModel.description, etc. to build your own UI.