timeZoneOffset property
The time zone offset, which is the difference between local time and UTC.
The offset is positive for time zones east of UTC.
Note, that JavaScript, Python and C return the difference between UTC and local time. Java, C# and Ruby return the difference between local time and UTC.
For example, using local time in San Francisco, United States:
final dateUS = DateTime.parse('2021-11-01 20:18:04Z').toLocal();
print(dateUS); // 2021-11-01 13:18:04.000
print(dateUS.timeZoneName); // PDT ( Pacific Daylight Time )
print(dateUS.timeZoneOffset.inHours); // -7
print(dateUS.timeZoneOffset.inMinutes); // -420
For example, using local time in Canberra, Australia:
final dateAus = DateTime.parse('2021-11-01 20:18:04Z').toLocal();
print(dateAus); // 2021-11-02 07:18:04.000
print(dateAus.timeZoneName); // AEDT ( Australian Eastern Daylight Time )
print(dateAus.timeZoneOffset.inHours); // 11
print(dateAus.timeZoneOffset.inMinutes); // 660
Duration get timeZoneOffset => const Duration(hours: 5, minutes: 45);