Uuid.parse constructor

  1. String input

Parses and returns the provided input as a UUID.

If not a valid UUID, a FormatException is thrown.


factory Uuid.parse(String input) {
  if (input.length != 36) {
    throw FormatException(
      'Expected a 36-length string, got ${input.length}-length',

  final l = _parseHex(input, 0, 8);
  _assertHyphen(input, 0 + 8);
  final m = _parseHex(input, 9, 4);
  _assertHyphen(input, 9 + 4);
  final h = _parseHex(input, 14, 4);
  _assertHyphen(input, 14 + 4);
  final s = _parseHex(input, 19, 4);
  _assertHyphen(input, 19 + 4);
  final n = _parseHex(input, 24, 12);

  // Intentionlaly not validated, as it's impossible *not* to be in range.
  return _Uuid(l, m, h, s, n);