

A Flutter plugin that allows you to use beautiful neon signs in your app. Link


As it is mentioned above, the plugin allows you to put neon style'sh signs into your app. There are several parameters for tunning:

String text - the actual text of the sign

MaterialColor color - text's color

double fontSize - text's size

NeonFont font - build-in fonts for the text:

- Automania
- Beon
- Cyberpunk
- LasEnter
- Membra
- Monoton
- Night-Club-70s
- Samarin
- TextMeOne

bool flickeringText - if the parameter is true text will be flickering with random frequency

List flickeringLetters - indexes of the letters in the text that will be flickering (if the parameter is null and flickeringText == true all the text will be flickering)

double blurRadius - radius of the blur effect

bool glowing - glowing parameter (glows if it's true)

Duration glowingDuration - the duration of the glowing

TextStyle textStyle - custom style for the text

code example

    text: 'Retro',
    fontSize: 50,
    font: NeonFont.Membra,
    flickeringText: true,
    flickeringLetters: [0,1],