NeoClient class


Constructs NeoClient. Database's address can be added, otherwise the localhost address is used with Neo4J's default port is used (7474).
NeoClient.withAuthorization({required String username, required String password, String databaseAddress = 'http://localhost:7474/'})
Constructs NeoClient with authentication credentials (user & password). Database's address can be added, otherwise the localhost address is used with Neo4J's default port is used (7474). Username and password are encoded to build the authentication token.
NeoClient.withHttpClient({required Client httpClient})
NeoClient.withoutCredentialsForTest({String databaseAddress = 'http://localhost:7474/'})


hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


computeDistanceBetweenTwoPoints({required double latP1, required double longP1, required double latP2, required double longP2}) Future<num>
Compute the distance between two points
computeShortestPathDijkstra({required double sourceLat, required double sourceLong, required double targetLat, required double targetLong, required String projectionName, required String propertyWeightName}) Future<Path>
Compute the shortest path between two nodes If Path is empty it could means that there is no path between the two given nodes
createGraphProjection({required String projectionName, required String label, required String relationshipName, required String relationshipProperty, required bool isDirected}) Future<bool>
Create a projection of the graph at the T instant
createNode({required List<String> labels, required Map<String, dynamic> properties}) Future<Node?>
Create Neo4J node
createNodeWithNode(Node node) Future<void>
Create Neo4J node with given node
createRelationship({required int startNodeId, required int endNodeId, required String relationshipLabel, required Map<String, dynamic> properties}) Future<Relationship?>
Create relationship between two nodes : start node startNodeId and end node endNodeId The relationship has a name relationshipLabel and can have properties properties
createRelationshipFromNodeToNodes({required int startNodeId, required List<int> endNodesId, required String relationName, required Map<String, dynamic> properties}) Future<List<Relationship?>>
Create relationship between one to many nodes (1->*)
deleteAllNode() Future<void>
Deletes all nodes in the database. /!\ Transaction commits at submission.
deleteNodeById(int id) Future<void>
Delete node corresponding to the given id id
findAllNodes() Future<List<Node>>
Finds all nodes in database. Relationship are not return.
findAllNodesByLabel(String label) Future<List<Node>>
Finds all nodes in database with given type
findAllNodesByProperties({required List<PropertyToCheck> propertiesToCheck}) Future<List<Node>>
Find all nodes with given properties Relationship not returned
findAllRelationship() Future<List<Relationship>>
findNodeById(int id) Future<Node?>
findRelationshipById(int id) Future<Relationship?>
Finds relationship with given ID (if id<0, return null).
findRelationshipWithNodeProperties({required String relationshipLabel, required Map<String, dynamic> properties}) Future<List<Relationship?>>
Find relationship of a node with node properties
findRelationshipWithStartNodeIdEndNodeId(int startNode, int endNode) Future<Relationship?>
Find relationship with start node id startNodeId and end node id endNodeId
getNodesWithHighestProperty(int limit, String propertyName) Future<List<Relationship>>
isRelationshipExistsBetweenTwoNodes(int firstNode, int secondNode) Future<bool>
Check if a relationship exists between two nodes firstNode and secondNode
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
updateNodeById({required int nodeId, required Map<String, dynamic> propertiesToAddOrUpdate}) Future<Node?>
Update node corresponding to the given nodeId with propertiesToAddOrUpdate
updateRelationshipById({required int relationshipId, required Map<String, dynamic> propertiesToAddOrUpdate}) Future<Relationship?>
Update Relationship corresponding to the given relationshipId with propertiesToAddOrUpdate


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.