search method

Future<List<NBResponse>> search(
  1. String query, {
  2. String? endpoint = null,
  3. int amount = 1,

Search for a query

Note: This endpoint is currently unstable and may be reworked. Refer to the official docs for more


Future<List<NBResponse>> search(String query,
    {String? endpoint = null, int amount = 1}) async {
  // If Ratelimit isnt null, then...
  if (RateLimit != null) {
    // If ratelimit is yet valid, throw it to the user
    if (!!.resetsIn)) {
      throw RateLimit as NBRateLimitError;
    // else RateLimit is no longer valid, so make it null and continue
    RateLimit = null;

  if (amount > 20) throw NBArgumentError("Amount cannot be greater than 20");
  if (amount < 1) throw NBArgumentError("Amount cannot be less than 1");
  if (endpoint == null) {
    endpoint = randomCat();
  } else {
    endpoint = endpoint.toLowerCase();
  var type = IMAGE_CATEGORIES.contains(endpoint) ? 1 : 2;
  var res = await request(

  if (res.statusCode == 429) {
    var remaining = res.headers['x-rate-limit-remaining'];
    var resetsIn = res.headers['x-rate-limit-remaining'];
    RateLimit = NBRateLimitError(remaining as String, resetsIn as String);
    throw RateLimit as NBRateLimitError;
  var json = jsonDecode(res.body) as Map<String, dynamic>;
  var arr = <NBResponse>[];
  json['results'].forEach((e) => arr.add(NBResponse(e)));
  return arr;