Follows class

Follows usecase


Follows({required Requests requests, required CacheManager cacheManager, required RelayManager relayManager})


hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


broadcastAddContact(String add, Iterable<String> relays, EventSigner signer) Future<ContactList>
broadcast adding of contact
broadcastAddFollowedCommunity(String toAdd, Iterable<String> relays, EventSigner signer) Future<ContactList>
broadcast adding of followed community
broadcastAddFollowedEvent(String toAdd, Iterable<String> relays, EventSigner signer) Future<ContactList>
broadcast adding of followed event
broadcastAddFollowedTag(String add, Iterable<String> relays, EventSigner signer) Future<ContactList>
broadcast adding of followed tag
broadcastRemoveContact(String toRemove, Iterable<String> relays, EventSigner signer) Future<ContactList?>
broadcast removal of contact
broadcastRemoveFollowedCommunity(String toRemove, Iterable<String> relays, EventSigner signer) Future<ContactList?>
broadcast removal of followed community
broadcastRemoveFollowedEvent(String toRemove, Iterable<String> relays, EventSigner signer) Future<ContactList?>
broadcast removal of followed event
broadcastRemoveFollowedTag(String toRemove, Iterable<String> relays, EventSigner signer) Future<ContactList?>
broadcast removal of followed tag
getContactList(String pubKey, {bool forceRefresh = false, int idleTimeout = Requests.DEFAULT_QUERY_TIMEOUT}) Future<ContactList?>
contact list of a given pubkey, not intended to get followers
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.